
Blues Speak

News, band talk, interviews, articles and more

Live it Out Loud

how's it work?   Live It OutLoud is designed to give students the technical and artistic skills necessary to pursue their passion and even develop careers in the broader entertainment industry. Any aspiring, non-professional musician ages 12-18 [...]

2019-12-04T13:42:11-08:0012/3/19|Blues for Youth (programs)|

Blues in Schools

SSBA is proud to affiliate with this long established and highly regarded program, the mission of which is to design and deliver an interdisciplinary musical experience for students who - through playing, singing and writing [...]

2018-09-21T15:49:52-07:0012/10/17|Blues for Youth (programs)|


Music4Life - Expanding music education for all children "The creative concept for Music4Life was born in the fall of 2007 and is an ongoing program. The goal is clear: put musical instruments in good playing condition into [...]

2023-08-07T17:27:56-07:0012/10/17|Blues for Youth (programs)|