Events for 09/16/2024 - 08/18/2024

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Ross Robinson at Anthony’s Restaurant, Port of Edmonds

Anthony's Restaurant Edmonds 456 Admiral Way, Edmonds, WA

Ross Robinson at Anthony's Restaurant, Port of Edmonds July 29th, 6-8 pm Ross Robinson Port of Edmonds 458 Admiral Way, Edmonds, Antony's Restaurant

Groove Colony at the Spar

The Spar 2121 N 30th St, Tacoma, WA

Saturday July 29th, The Groove Colony at the Spar, 7pm

Wednesdays Blues Jams with Brian Olver and Glenn Hummel at Purdy’s

Purdy's Public House & Arcade, Sumner 16202 64th St E, Sumner, WA

Wednesdays Blues Jams with Brian Olver and Glenn Hummel at Purdy’s, 7-10 pm 'Sound Man' Justin Miller makes sure things sound great at this Jam each Wednesday night at Purdy's Public House & Arcade, Sumner, [...]

Ross Robinson at the Union City Market, Union, WA

Hood Canal Marina 5101 E State Route 106, Union, WA

Ross Robinson at the Union City Market, Hood Canal marina, August 3rd, 2-4 pm Union City Market, 5101 E State Route 106, Union, Wa.

Every Thursday, WBS-GAS STATION BLUES at the Historic Shell in Issaquah

Historic Shell Station 232 Front St N, Issaquah, WA

Every Thursday, GAS STATION BLUES at the Historic Shell in Issaquah, July, and August 7:00-9:00 pm The Washington Blues Society and Downtown Issaquah Association present: Gas Station Blues, a free concert series Thursday Nights 7-9 [...]

Whitewing at Skylark’s Hidden Cafe, Bellingham

Skylark’s Café 1308 11th Street, Bellingham, WA

Whitewing at the Skylark's Hidden Cafe, August 4th, 2023, 5– 8 PM Andie Whitewing Returns to Skylark's Beer and Wine Garden Skylark’s Café, 1308 11th Street   Bellingham, WA 98225 360-715-3642