Events for January 13 - March 17

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Joel Astley Band at the Conway Muse

Conway Muse 18444 Spruce St, Conway, WA

August 5th, The Joel Astley Band - 8pm at the Conway Muse The multi-award-winning Joel Astley Band returns to the Conway Muse. Joel lays down great music with his killer band.  See why this band [...]

GO Four at The Spar

The Spar 2121 N 30th St, Tacoma, WA

Wednesday, August 9th - GO Four - The Spar 6-9pm

Kim and Brian Band at Auburn Summer Sounds, Les Gove Park

Les Gove Park 910 9th St SE, Auburn, WA

Kim and Brian- Auburn Summer Sounds, Les Gove Park, 6:30-8 pm Kim & Brian Band - Auburn Summer Sounds Concert Series Thu, Aug 10 @ 6:30PM — 8:00PM Les Gove Park 910 9th St SE, Auburn, WA 98002

Gig Harbor’s Rockin’ Rhythm & Blues Festival

Gig Harbor Sportsman's Club 9721 Burnham Drive NW, Gig Harbor, WA

Gig Harbor's Rockin' Rhythm & Blues Festival, August 12th, Noon - 9 pm. Featuring Live Bands: BILLY STAPLETON ALL FUNK N’ GAMES ROEMAN & THE WHEREABOUTS 9 MAGICAL HISTORY TOUR THE PROFITS RED HOUSE HD [...]

Ross Robinson at the Tenino Arts Street Fair

Tenino Arts Creative Market Sussex and Olympia St N, Tenino, WA

Ross Robinson at the Tenino Arts Street Fair, August 12th, 12:30- 3pm Tenino Creative Arts Fair, Olympic Ave and Sussex Ave , Tenino, Wa

Brew Five Three Beer and Music Festival

Chambers Bay Golf Course 6320 Grandview Dr W, University Place,, WA

The 10th Annual Brew Five Three music festival at Chambers Bay,  2-8 pm Brew Five Three: The 253's Beer and Music Festival   Advance Tickets: $50Chambers Bay Golf Course 6320 Grandview Dr W, University Place, [...]