Events for February 25 - January 2

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Events not hosted by SSBA may be subject to changes. Contact the event organizer for the most current information.

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Poulsbo Blues and Jazz Festival, located in downtown historic Poulsbo

Slippery Pig Brewery 18801 Front St NE, Poulsbo, WA

“Little Norway becomes Little New Orleans!” Join us at the Poulsbo Blues and Jazz Festival, located in downtown historic Poulsbo, February 23rd and 24th 2024. This exclusive intimate event will be like no other. Thirteen [...]

King Kom Beaux at Zesty’s Steakhouse

Zesty's Cajun Steakhouse 9905 Bridgeport Way Southwest, Lakewood, WA

King Kom Beaux at Zesty's Steakhouse Friday February 23rd 8-11pm

Slainte at The Spar

The Spar 2121 N 30th St, Tacoma, WA

Saturday, Feb 24th – Slainte – The Spar – 7pm SLAINTE is an Irish Rock band that celebrates Irish/Scottish songs and artists both Traditional and Contemporary (Rocked Up) U2, Flogging Molly, Young Dubliners, Rumjacks, Waterboys, Dropkick [...]

Tommy Castro & The Pain Killers at The Spanish Ballroom

McMenaminsTacoma Elks 565 Broadway, Tacoma, WA

Tommy Castro& The Pain Killers at The Spanish Ballroom, February 25th, 6pm 5 pm Doors, 6 pm Show $32.50 advance, $35.50 day of show, All ages welcome Ranging from horn-fueled R&B to piping hot [...]


Jazz Overhaul at The Spar

The Spar 2121 N 30th St, Tacoma, WA

Wednesday, Feb 28th – Jazz Overhaul – The Spar– 6pm