Events for 11/30/2024 - 12/28/2024

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Live music at the Snapdragon every Thursday, Vashon

Snapdragon 17817 Vashon Hwy, Vashon, WA

This Thursday at Snapdragon we have a great lineup for you! As always the music starts at 8pm Kevin Buster on Bass Mark Graham on Clarinet / Harmonica Casey MacGill on Cornet

Silver City at the Spar

The Spar 2121 N 30th St, Tacoma, WA

Silver City at the Spar July 13th, 7-10 pm

Jerry Miller’s Birthday Bash! Spanish Ballroom, Tacoma

McMenaminsTacoma Elks 565 Broadway, Tacoma, WA

Jerry Miller's Birthday Bash! SUNDAY, July 14th at the Spanish Ballroom 4pm doors,  5pm show, $15 advance or $20 day of show, All ages welcome Jerry Miller (born July 10, 1943) is an [...]

Capital Lakefair Week, Mainstage concerts July 17-21, Olympia, WA

Heritage Park 701 Water St SW, Olympia, WA

Lakefair Week is the annual event held over the third weekend in July at Heritage Park along Capitol Lake. Opening day for the 2024 season is on Wednesday, July 17 and continues through Sunday, July [...]


Duffy Bishop at the West of the Waterway

Dock Street Deli West of the Waterway 1901 Dock Street, Tacoma, WA

Duffy Bishop at the West of the Waterway July 18th, 7pm Tickets:


Winthrop Rhythm & Blues Festival

Winthrop Blues Ranch North Cascades Highway 20, Winthrop, WA

Winthrop Rhythm & Blues Festival, July 19-21st, 2024 Located at the Blues Ranch on the Methow River in the resort town of Winthrop, Washington, the Winthrop Rhythm & Blues Festival is a three-day event packed [...]

Orting Rock Festival

Orting Spar pole bar & grill 120 Washington Ave S, Orting, WA

Orting Rock Festival, July 20, 2024 benefits to Orting Foodbank