Events for 11/26/2024 - 12/14/2024

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Taylor Hardin Blues Band and Unplugged at the Spanish Ballroom

McMenaminsTacoma Elks 565 Broadway, Tacoma, WA

Taylor Hardin Blues Band and Unplugged at the Spanish Ballroom, Sunday, November 17th, Doors at 4:00 PM, Show at 5:00 PM The Taylor Hardin Blues Band is a high-energy, soulful group led by accomplished guitarist [...]

Boss Tenors at the Spar

The Spar 2121 N 30th St, Tacoma, WA

Nov 20th, Spar, Tacoma: Boss Tenors, 6-9pm

Tony Lease Trio at the Salmon Bay Eagles

Salmon Bay Eagles 5216 20th Ave NW, Seattle, WA

Tony Lease Trio at the salmon Bay Eagles, Nov 23rd, 8-11 pm  A blend of blues-rock and straight-ahead blues with a little top 40 tossed into the mix. Tony Lease's dynamic, husky voice and spirited guitar [...]

Randy Hansen, Celebrating Jimi Hendrix’s Birthday, at the Spanish Ballroom

McMenaminsTacoma Elks 565 Broadway, Tacoma, WA

Randy Hansen, Celebrating Jimi Hendrix's Birthday, at the Spanish Ballroom, November 27th, doors @ 7pm, show at 8pm, all ages