Events for 12/31/2024 - February 18

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Kim & Brian Band, The Paula Boggs Band at Alma Venue, Tacoma

Alma Mater Tacoma 1322 Fawcett Ave, Tacoma, WA

Kim & Brian Band, The Paula Boggs Band, April 1st, 8pm Alma Mater Tacoma at 1322 Fawcett Ave, Tacoma, WA 98402, 1322 Fawcett Ave, Tacoma, WA 98402 Kim & Brian Band, The Paula Boggs Band Sat Apr [...]

Mark Hurwitz and Gin Creek at The Float

Floatation Device Pub & Grill 14511 Sherman Dr NW, Gig Harbor, WA

Mark Hurwitz and Gin Creek at The Float April 1st, 9pm Mark Hurwitz Floatation Device Pub & Grill

Powerhouse at Kimball Coffeehouse

Kimball's Coffeehouse 6659 Kimball Dr, Gig Harbor, WA

Powerhouse at Kimball Coffeehouse, Gig Harbor April 7th, 7-9pm

King Kom Beaux at Zesty’s Steakhouse in Lakewood

Zesty's Cajun Steakhouse 9905 Bridgeport Way Southwest, Lakewood, WA

King Kom Beaux at Zesty's Steakhouse in Lakewood, WA Fri Apr 7th 8:00pm - 11:00pm (PDT) 21+BluesRockNO-Cover Zesty's Cajun Steakhouse, 9905 Bridgeport Way Southwest, Lakewood, WA 98499

Joanne Shaw Taylor at the Neptune, Seattle

Neptune Theatre 1303 NE 45th St, Seattle, WA

Joanne Shaw Taylor at the Neptune Seattle, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, AT 7 PM Neptune Theatre Address: 1303 NE 45th St, Seattle, WA 98105 Phone: (206) 682-1414

Slainte at The Spar

The Spar 2121 N 30th St, Tacoma, WA

Saturday, April 8th – Slainte at The Spar, 7pm A band whose concept is to play anything Irish or Scottish, either traditional or Contemporary

Happy Easter

The Spar 2121 N 30th St, Tacoma, WA